About Us

We are real resellers providing real solutions.

About Us

Our mission is simple: To provide online sellers and resellers with simple seamless tracking for their business.

A message from the Founder and President

They say “necessity is the mother of invention”.

I started a reselling business in 2021 and was selling on several marketplaces. I realized fairly quickly that it was becoming overwhelming to keep track of my sales and expenses in an organized fashion.

There are so many details to keep track of. How much did I spend on packing tape and bubble wrap? And what about those shipping labels and platform fees? How much profit was I making on items?

I decided I needed some help. I did a Google search for reseller tracking software. I was willing to spend hundreds of dollars, if necessary, for a professional tracking program. I figured it would be worth the investment because it would free me up and I’d be spending less time tracking and more time working on my business.

There was one small problem. I couldn’t find such a tool. Surprisingly, it didn’t exist!

All I could find were free underpowered spreadsheets that visually looked awful and were woefully inadequate in their features.

This got me thinking. I'm a senior software engineer with over 30 years of experience. What if I combined my two passions — software and reselling — and created the most powerful inventory and sales tracking software for resellers that was also simple-to-use?

So I sat down at the computer and spent over one-thousand hours creating my own reseller tracking software from scratch in Excel that would do everything I wanted.

And that’s how Net Gain Seller was born!

I’ve been using Net Gain Seller for months now to track my own reseller business and it is nothing short of a dream that has been realized.

It’s kind of funny because when I created Net Gain Seller my intention was to create a tool for ME.

But then it dawned on me that there must be other resellers out there who are in the same situation that I was in. They are overwhelmed trying to track their profits and expenses across their various reselling accounts.

And so I decided to create a commercial version of Net Gain Seller to help other resellers.

And now I’m the CEO of this company and this is my full-time passion.

I hope you find Net Gain Seller as helpful as I do. I believe it will free you from the headache of tracking your sales, simplify your business, and give you more free time to go out and source to find those treasures that will bring you the big profits.

And what reseller doesn’t want to do that?

Paul E. Burke picture.
Meet The President
Paul E. Burke

Paul E. Burke is the President of WealthTrek Software, LLC. He is a software engineer with over 30-years of experience. His side-gig as a reseller led him to create Net Gain Seller—first for himself and now for you. He lives in New York City.